No anxiety today!

No anxiety today. Feels weird. I’m not used to it. I’m feeling productive but it’s in the middle of the night.


A day without anxiety? Yeah, that would feel weird lol

Good to hear, though. I’m constantly battling it. When I do get those periods without anxiety, I also feel productive.

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Yeah, I’ve been battling anxiety for 20 years. It feel as if I’m on my own private island where I can do anything I want.


That’s good news. Enjoy it.


I didn’t have much anxiety today.


Very happy to hear this @Speedy ! I’m glad for you.

I don’t know if I have ever been not anxious lol. Doesn’t happen very often for sure!


Yeah, I know. They really should come up with better drugs for those who suffer from anxiety like us. It’s horrible to have it.

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I couldn’t agree more @Speedy !! So true!

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I hope that your periods without anxiety get longer and longer.


I’m back on anxiety. But I’m used to it. :cowboy_hat_face:

How are you today @Jonathan2?

It’s sunny today. Feels weird. But it’s only +4⁰c. I hope it gets warmer soon.

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Yeah it’s pretty cold here as well for April. 11°C.

I’m doing okay. I did a walk to town to order a new passport. I’m trying to go for a walk every day and get a bit fitter as I’ve gained some weight. Spring weather should help in getting out of the house more and to keep walking.

Do you still see your pdoc or don’t they have time to help you with your anxiety?

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Yeah, take walks. Even minor exercise is better than no exercise.

My pdoc doesn’t give a flying Fu-ck about me. I’m just a box to check on his list. :frowning:

I wish they could offer some kind of therapy! Not doing anything while having depressive thoughts really mess with me. But I guess I have to learn to live like this. :frowning:

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That’s one crappy pdoc, but there are plenty of those.

I had to complain for a year about depression before I was given an AD, so my new strategy is if something bothers me to keep complaining about it :grinning:

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They would only put me on benzo’s just so I would shut the hell up.

Also an appointment costs €35 for the doc, to talk to the nurse costs €15. Even by phone they charge you. It’s ridiculous!

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Yeah. That starts to add. I don’t have to pay for my pdoc anything, because I’m considered low income and my pdoc gives a discount to people on benefits. In that regard I’m lucky.

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You guys seem to have a better system over there. Here it’s all regulated and you have to pay, the bureaucracy is ridiculous.

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Personally, I think Belgium has a good system for the poor and ill, but high taxes for those who work.

I’ve been on both sides of the aisle, and used to complain about taxes, but now I understand.

If I were ever back able to work I wouldn’t mind paying taxes.

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I just don’t like how taxes are spent. But I’m not a politician. So it’s not up to me.

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I just dislike politicians who call everyone on benefits ‘scroungers’.

But anyway, I’ll stop the talk about that topic.

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