Night owls unite.. who's up?

tried going back to bed and couldn’t stay still so now I’m drinking coffee and up for the morning…are you awake?

I’m still up. Very nauseated and can’t sleep. 2 am here.

Hope it passes quickly, and you get some rest :heart:

@shutterbug man,that sucks…sorry man.

It’s a side-effect of the Saxenda. I ate half a Subway sub this evening and I should have only eaten a quarter. Paying for it now. I have so little appetite left.


I slept about 4 hours and am up now.


I slept as well. But woke after 2 and a half hours. Fluoxetine usually has the effect of keeping me awake too, so I’ll probably start my day soon.

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I am up and nervous going to meet my office colleague and it’s the team leaders bday. It was so kind I was invited.


9.30 am, here in the uk. Mind you i was up at 3am lol.

Drinking shed loads of coffee till 2pm - cos i got a shopping delivery lol.

Then im off back to bed :stuck_out_tongue:


Im up 440am here, slept on my shoulder last night, the one I just got the depot in yesterday so it hurts.

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it’s 11 am here now. But I was awake between 11 pm and 2 am.

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I can’t sleep, I am up as well.

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It’s 533 am here. I have been up for at least 90 minutes. I’ve lost track. Had a bad nightmare.

Just curled up in bed listening to Spotify all this time and browsing here. I really hope I can sleep again soon…


I went to sleep at six p.m. I woke up at 1:30. It is now about 6:35. I practice mandolin at seven. I’m watching the news on CNN. I spent the night searching YouTube for some good brain food. I was bored. I’m currently reading a memoir of a blind girl but I didn’t feel like it last night.

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