New song not sure if I like it or not

Definitely needs work but I like my darker songs better


“Till its gone, I’ll be singing songs…”

It’s stuck in my head now.

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I need to change the end of the 2nd verse. Rerecord the third verse. But I like the chorus yeah

I also like the lines

I’d like to retire to a castle of cocaine
Like tony mayneeeee


Who is chew?
Just that guy with the view
Of the trees they grew
So large
The canopy touches the god damned stars

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Thanks for listening

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I listen to all your songs! :sunny:

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Well then, have you heard this one? :wink:

I’m changing my rap name to Chew from chew the cactus
I think it has a nice ring

Short and sweet

It’s upbeat, happy and angry all at the same time!

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I liked the third verse

She don’t like my style
I’m just a pile of ■■■■!
Too bile, I’m it!
In denial, I spit!

My friend who last year said “your rhymes make my ears bleed”

Heard my new songs and said “your lyrics are amazing! And your voice is very unique! Keep rhyming!”

That gave me confidence

But the thing about music is you “give up” every week, if not day. I’ve given up 1000000 times but always go back to it. It kinda drives you mad.


Nice, I dig the beat a lot too :v:

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