Officially sending out a welcome to @HollyHobby as our newest member of the moderating team. Ms. Hobby has been around for some time and been a regular and appreciated contributor to the community.
Wahoo, I’ll try not to cause too much trouble for you!
Congrats @HollyHobby!
Congrats @HollyHobby
Congratulations @HollyHobby
Congratulations @HollyHobby
Congratulations! @HollyHobby
oh cool…good luck holly.
Congratulations @HollyHobby!
Has @HollyHobby gone by a different name before, per chance?
SpringRose was her prior
Congratulations @HollyHobby I know you will serve us well
Hey Holly. Please be a good mod & i will love you forever.
Thank you everyone! My old screen name was SpringRose. I’m looking forward to serving the community.
Ahhhh I’m so glad it’s you SpringRose and Skunky. I’m truly delighted!!!
Great choice, congrats @HollyHobby
Thank you @Mars!
Thanks for helping out @HollyHobby . Good people make good mods