Not going to post the video or even really talk about it other than the part where they are charging the people who did it with hate crimes because the man was disabled. Do schizophrenic people count as disabled or do you have to be on disability. If someone were to do something like this to a schizophrenic person would that be a hate crime?
that’s quite disturbing. I get a feeling that the man was probably homeless too. a lot of people pick on the homeless.
I haven’t heard lately but seems to be a race thing don’t think it had anything to do with his disability just that he may have been an easy white target. I doubt we would as easily be considered a group that a hate crime would be committed against. Because it’s not visible would be much harder to prove.
Someone who stands on a street corner talking to himself is obviously disabled. It’s not as hard to spot as you think.
hate to break the news… most homeless mentally disabled people are schizophrenics. When you’re at home sitting by a warm fire with a cup of coco by the chair - you’re schizophrenic. However, when you’re out butt naked, changing your pants by the side of a busy road - you’re mentally disabled man.
Yes you have a great point, guess I was thinking more of the medicated and not visibly ill . Kinda don’t like thinking of people wanting to hurt someone in that shape but yeah it can be a krual world and there are some stupid people out there.
I’ve seen a couple of instances on the news where a mentally ill homeless man was beaten with baseball bats by teenagers. In one instance they were skinheads, and they killed the guy. I’d like to see people like that do a large amount of hard time. They were so senseless.
Did they get them? Did the cops apprehend the criminals?
think it’s based on a mentality of poor family values and fkheads who think because of the ‘‘mentally ill…’’ part, they can get away with it.
It didn’t say, but both instances were publicized on tv. If they didn’t get them they should have, but who cares what happens to the homeless?
I want to see them pay.
Definitely think that should be a hate crime. Although sometimes I think it’s more bullying than hate they are just feeding off the volnerable. Which is almost worse than a hate crime. They’ve had no prior reason to hate anyone of that perswasion.
The abusers clearly have mental issues of their own. No rational, logical person does something like that. No matter what, it is inexcusable, but the abusers aren’t ‘right’ in the head either. It looks like a case of preying on the weak to assuage their own ‘issues’. It is extremely disturbing. My heart goes out to the victim.
I didn’t go looking for the video and have no desire to. But is it out there, I just don’t know if live fed vidio is saved?
I didn’t even make an attempt to look for it because of what little bits that I saw from people talking about it looked horrendous. Also this whole post would’ve probably been taken down.
I don’t know about that @Dr.Friedlander.
I’m sitting at home fireside with a warm cup of coco and I am definitely mentally disabled.
I don’t even have schizophrenia and I’m disabled.
i don’t think it matters where your sitting
yea, and I was sleeping by a dump a few weeks ago… who can blame us?
But really, I once parked my car by the side of a garbage dump and slept in the boot of the car… don’t remember why I did that, guess it was my way of shouting out, this where you want me now/.?
I think it takes better survival skills and higher ability to function being homeless than it does sitting on my ass all day watching dr Phil and collecting disability
Whatever you call it the thing was totally senseless and those guys should pay.