Never without a buddy

I’m always chatting up myself with pretty good dialogue. It’s like I’m always invited to a party…it’s just that I’m the only flesh and bones entity there. I want to say that I’m blessed to have such a healthy relationship with myself. Like in the song “Lithium “ by Nirvana goes,”I’m so happy because today I found my friends they’re in my head.”


We are all here and every one scared of each other, I am so scared I have stopped PM

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Conversations with yourself is a way for you to never be bored and guess what??? I’m never bored. I’ve been a self-conversationalist since childhood so I’m well versed in it.

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I usually speak with myself,
or with voices.


Me too, I have not spoken to any one and talking to self is like, debating with self and it becomes so much that it becomes evident to others.
At least I talk here but rarely I get a conversation made, because after 4th reply it say to PM and I don’t want to.
Here its like an open office with transparency to the whole world.

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I hear ya- I don’t PM people because it freaks me out. I show my picture as my avatar because I feel like that is me opening myself up to others in a cozy way.

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You know the best way people say is to stay busy, That’s because self talk would reduce, I just went out to the beach today. Once Sec I will upload the pic…

It was raining too… so did not enter the water.


I’m landlocked so there are only the lakes around me for beaches(just not the same as the ocean). Talking is always a good exercise it’s just I only really enjoy it with myself or talking with family.

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I just call people. I prefer chatting with real people than with the voices in my head. Talking too much to voices makes them more prominent imo.


I don’t hear audible voices in my head too much anymore. It’s now just regular dialogue with my inner voice that everyone has.


Not everyone has an inner voice, but I get what you’re saying.

Anyway, I wouldn’t indulge in it. It’s important for your well-being to also focus on the outside world.

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