October 18th. I’ll be glad to get it over with.
I hope it all goes well.
Thinking about you @LilyoftheValley
Thanks @bobbilly
Wishing you well @LilyoftheValley
Everything will be fine I’m sure
Thanks @Wave 15
It should go well. Are you nervous?
Good luck and hope it’s a successful surgery.
@pasteyface , yes I’m nervous. But I’m simultaneously relieved that I might finally get an answer followed by the appropriate treatment
I guess its good to be nervous about something serious. It will be fine! And just think. It will be nothing but improvement
America does have the best treatment in the world.
Yes! I am so sick of my pain.
That’s good news you have your surgery scheduled and you’ll get answers.
Yeah. I agree. I’m so done with all this
Good luck @LilyoftheValley only heard of this now
Thanks @Hadeda 15
Hope all goes well with the surgery. Best of luck
I am praying for you @LilyoftheValley. Best wishes.
I hope it all goes well. Will be thinking of you @LilyoftheValley
@anon63380492 @SkinnyMe @anon25873142
Thanks! 15151515