My real IQ is

My pdr made me do a free one in the hospital by a neuropsychologist. Maybe you can ask your pdr.


I used to score really high on those online tests now I score below average. I have definitely lost processing speed and functioning. I can’t think my way out of a paper bag. lol.


I got poor social skills so it makes up logically, I guess.

Best high range verbal 168
Best high range numerical 138
Best high range non-verbal/spatial 126


You are very smart @firemonkey.


Mine is 140. I’ve taken it twice and it hasn’t really changed.

My IQ is 50. It has to be so that I can justify some bad choices I’ve made.


My IQ is probably -69. Who cares about some random number anyway.


There are people with a high iq that can’t even change their own oil in a car lol, how we measure intelligence is subjective.


That’s me. I guess I could learn but I would have to watch videos and the learning curve would be really, really high. Vehicles are getting complicated these days. No one ever told me or taught me. My dad was a mechanic and always did things for me for whatever reason.

I can’t follow auditory directions for something like that that I’ve never done.

I had my IQ tested by a psychologist and it was 69. The test was Wechsler III. All the online tests are meaningless.


On the council estate I lived on,in the early 1990s, you weren’t regarded as a real man if you couldn’t fix cars. I have no idea how to do so. I never saw my father fixing a car either…

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iq 69 thats the perfect iq actually :sunglasses:


I did one long ago and doubt it is still accurate. I can say that when I was involved in a research in the hospital, they did some cognitive tests, though not a full iq test. One part was that I was given a large array of some 15 symbols aligned in different orders over many lines. There was a cipher at the top of the page and the task was to decipher the lines as far as you could within a minute. I finished the page correctly before that, they had never seen that before!

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Working on a car has nothing to do with manliness, no one ever taught me I learned from car forums and YouTube, if I I can do it literally anyone can. My point is that IQ isn’t really applicable to real life in my eyes. Maybe you can solve a theoretical equation but maybe you don’t know how to resist your temptations or have low will power or miss social cues. Everyone is different having one test to measure everyones intelligence is weird to me.


I’ve watched my dad change his oil a few times. It’s not difficult. I’m all girl.

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I think IQ has to do with self esteem and confidence as well.

I could maybe cope with that, but anything above that level to do with a car - pass!!


My iq is 124. Everytime I take a test.

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