My life is about food lol. A poll

Tomorrow my kids are home so back to cooking.
Monday is a holiday so we will order in.
So what’s for supper Sunday?

  • Ribs and fries
  • Roasted chicken breasts and rice
  • Tempura fish and fries
  • Toasted tuna sandwich and chicken noodle soup
  • Chicken fingers and mashed potatoes
  • Spaghetti and garlic toast

0 voters

And yes there will be veggies each meal.


WhaT AbOut YOuR fRuiTs?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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That’d be the banana berry protein smoothie for night snack!

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I’ll come by for chicken fingers.


lol we had strawberries, but now they look more like snow berries.

will throw them out on trash day (so they don’t stink up the garage)

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I just buy frozen berries. They make the smoothie almost like a slushie

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I read this as faRTs instead of fRuiTs. I thought you were worried the veggies would cause gas. :broccoli::corn::carrot::leafy_green: :wind_face::wind_face::wind_face: :wind_face: :scream: :joy:


Ribs and fries! I love ribs and fries.

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Oops I forgot to add popcorn shrimp. Wouldn’t likely have had that anyway.

I go for the fish and taters cos we all loved fried food and dont get enough omega-3s.

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