My ex husband watches my computer

I hate this guy he lies about having a girlfriend.

What’s with your relationships where people are accusing you of cheating and you say your husband cheated. I hope to find a woman and not cheat on her and have her not cheat on me.

Also are you a woman? Your name is a guy’s name.

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Im a woman wrong name started this in an episode sry. I think my ex husband needs counseling because he is still in love with me. This is for him watching not you.

If they accuse you of cheating they are cheating. I know you have been there before, I have. I know.

I haven’t really. I am as pure and the wind driven snow despite all my attempts otherwise. Also your ex knows about this forum? Does he still live with you or something? Is that how he watches your computer?

He is a computer hacker. Boo. Computer hacker plus emotional wreck equals more paranoia for me and emotional manipulation. Take this for example he knows all about me from 10 years ago and uses those things and my sz to make me make mistakes. I think him and the man from the babysitter are working together. i mean what if the guy from the babysitter is breaking into his house omg privacy pls.