My employment specialist

I only just started with him.

He’s already found me a job to apply to that’s potentially awesome.

It’s flexible hours that work around me…

So… I can do therapy if I’m accepted.

It’s inclusive, they welcome all kinds of ppl they were sure to mention that…

It’s on my feet, so I am being physical.

But it’s not cleaning, yay.


He insists I do part time I find that unusual.

But I want full time.

Need da moneys, and for da living situation, it becomes easier.

I would otherwise consider part time yes… Temporarily.

Oh well, got to do what I’ve got to do.

Full time it is :grinning:


Yeah hope it works out for you as sounds good. On your feet isn’t bad on psych meds. Keeps you moving and exercising and moving is always good no matter how bad you feel about it.

Service industries are growing markets so it seems sensible. Good luck.

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Thankyou Rogueone. I feel May is the month I’ll get a job. It’s good.

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Good luck :smiley:111111111

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You are lucky you have such a supportive employment specialist who is actually encouraging you to do part-time :smiley:

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That’s the spirit

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Thanks. The employmnt specialist situation is a bit complicated tbh but I prefer not to talk about it on here.

Hope you’re well :slight_smile:

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You could make a lot of extra cash with tips

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