My early Saturday morning walk


Great photos! A place like that would help me walk more than I do! It’s pretty boring walking around the block!

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Omg…paradise …!!! Looks beautiful. .

Market life in this morning …


Good photography …mj…!!!

Typically in summer in the market Place (saturday) there are many people, there are 3-4 cafes and people drink coffee etc. and then there is music, today one person played accordion. And the sun was shining without any clouds.

Oh looks so beautiful!!!

Great photos. The primeval natural green colour of the trees and shrubs is very therapeutic for everyone. Enjoy your walk! :slight_smile:


Is it a finland or u just downloaded from the internet…

My morning walk here in eastern Finland, south, west and north may be different, I am just here in east …


Yes I’m jealous although at one time I could take walks like that too along nature trails so I appreciate the memories. Now the majority of the time i have the sunrise which i will go look at now.

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