My contacts

My new purple, and snowflake contacts are on the way! I’m super excited! I can’t wait to change my look a bit. I was going to order the quartzo, but I could only buy two so I chose purple, and snow flake. I’m hoping to look like an ice elf or something.


Contact lenses? What’s a snowflake contact lens?

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My ex mrs had green eyes and used green contact lenses. Her natural color was so much cooler for me. More power to you and have some fun. Just don’t do those snake eyes ones haha. That would freak out many a folk.


They’re supposed to be icy in color. Almost white.

super awesome, that’s gonna be cooooool

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Cool! Hope ya enjoy them.


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Than you @Leaf @ThePickinSkunk I just wanted to play around with make up and hair this year…lol


I do too, I bought myself all new makeup to try and play around with new looks to find something just right for when the kids get here. I want to look like a million bucks.

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Hehe, yes :smiley: exactly how I’m doing. I never do myself up, and this is just a treat for myself this year. Feels nice :person_in_steamy_room:

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