My blanket is getting long

I’m making a crocheted blanket as some of y’all know and it’s getting long now, here’s how long it is!




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Thanks @iconoclast_01

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Beautiful. Are you making a lot of blankets etc for winter?

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@roxanna just the one for now and I’m not sure when I’ll be done with this one

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I love it! I want one just like it!

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it looks like a dress :slight_smile:

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@LilyoftheValley I’ve been on it for awhile now

@daydreamer I guess it’s the way I had it I was just trying to show how it’s almost as long as my legs


@daydreamer can’t decide if that’s racist or not… It kinda bothers me though to be honest…

i’m not being racist, idk why you would think that

Why the specific of African? No readon to bring race into it.

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I thought it looked like a tradirional African dress, big deal,

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Kewl blankie. 5

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Thank you @Jinx

From the blanket’s point of view, it’s you who’s getting short. lol. Matter of perspective.


Nice @Andrey I never thought of it that way lol

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