My behavioral therapist wants me to get a job

She wants me to either wash dishes or do lawn work. She is really tough. What do you think? Do you think I could handle it.

I’m sure you could Jake. Maybe part time to start?

I don’t think your behavioral therapist understands schizophrenia. They seem to want you to “snap out if it”.


You can always try might enjoy it

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Could be worth a shot to try to work, if you want to and feel able to, but if you don’t feel like that’d be a good step for you at this time, that’s perfectly fine.

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What is wrong with doing lawn work. I literally just got in from cutting the grass.

I also have a part time job.

Not every person with schizophrenia can work, I get that and don’t have a problem with that, but these chores you keep complaining about don’t seem like a big deal.

Did she ask you if you’re capable of working?

No, she didn’t ask me if I am capable for working.

She should have.
How do you feel?
You could make it?

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I feel like I could try it. I feel nervous now, thinking about working. I don’t think I could handle it, but I could be wrong. I get episodes, and it is almost impossible to work, when I get an episode. When I say episode I mean I hear voices, like every second for 3 or 4 hours straight. I get very very self concious. I am going to ask her about workiing and getting episodes.

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It depends on the job, there are some jobs I refuse to do, others I don’t think I could do, and yet others I can handle well. Sign up on a website called indeed,com and fill out your resume on the website. Then browse jobs and send them your resume online if you think it is a job you can handle. You can also make your resume public(to employers) so they can contact you if they like it. You can also have the indeed website email you the latest jobs available in your area. I found my job on Indeed. It took a few months to find the right one that I knew i could do, but I am happy and getting along well with my new job. I’ve been there almost 2 months. I didn’t tell them I had schizophrenia though because I don’t want to be discriminated against.

If you get nervous at work tell yourself these two things…

  1. The shift will end and I will get to go home
  2. I am getting paid for this

That can make you feel better

I’m working on a resume on USAJOBS for part time work. I’m alittle nervous that I won’t be able to handle it but you never know until you try.

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I think volunteer work is a good way to find out if you can handle paid work.


If you could get a job where they already know you’re disabled? My company hired disabled and veterans. It’s a real job but we have some leeway and allowances because of our disabilities. We get extra breaks if we need it sometimes. We can take off mental health days.

We have a woman from the company who specially comes to the job site once a week who we can talk to about any problems we’re having, mental health wise or anything else. My co worker has been struggling for many months now and the company is bending over backwards to help him keep his job. Apparently, he often goes in the office and cries and they give him as much time off as he needs.

My job gave me two months off in 2015 when I was hospitalized.

Anyways, I’ve had other jobs where they knew I was disabled and we got accommodations. Plus you don’t have to live in terror that they are going to discover you have a mental illness because they already know.
In fact we have employment agencies and vocational programs strictly for the mentally ill who get you ready to work and help you find a job. You might want to look into some of this stuff to see if they have it in your area.

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Just protect yourself from nasty co workers who want to invade your life and play games with your mind.
Workplace politics can be deadly unfortunately.
Can you work for yourself? Mowing lawns, uber, uber eats, dropshipping, e-commerce etc?

Do you want to work?

You’re not going to be able to handle it if it’s not something you want.

If you do want to, I think you are capable of it. Just don’t rush it and don’t be hard on yourself if it becomes too much.


Yes, I definitely want to. I don’t think I can handle it. I’m hoping I am wrong. Good post!

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I think you’ll regret it more if you never try than if you try and fail.


Thanks, another good post.

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