Music is a foreign language not everyone understands

My gp told me he wasn’t really a fan of music. That’s ok. A lot of people are.

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Sounds like my brother. He has no interest in music


Friend of mine “doesn’t really” listen to music. Also “doesn’t really” read. And yet she’s not an idiot. Tell me how that works.


When I was studying in college I would find myself reaching the bottom of a page and not knowing what I had just read. Is that what they call burnout?

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Very well could be. I find when I’m reading, I’ll read something, then reread it again slowly for comprehension. But yeah, if I read too much I find that I’m not absorbing what I’m reading, then it’s time to hang it up for a while. Not sure if that answers your question.

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Yea I can finally relate. It takes a certain mood to. Actually want to listen to music.

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Yes, you explained it well.

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Although I practice piano almost daily, in my older age, I find myself no longer a giant fan of music like I used to be in my younger years.

I listen to music most time of the day. It’s not all about the lyrics.

When I was studying there was a book I read that said we learn best when we read for a short span of time then break. Like read for 20 minutes, then 5 minute break and the read again for 20 minutes.

I think there is something to it. I find I lose my ability to absorb material if I read for long in one go.


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