Moving in with my partner

Pros of moving out of London:
I get to live with him and see him more often

I would be away from my family
I can’t help my mum when she needs it because my grandmother now has dementia.
I will lose my free travel pass
I cannot live with my partner and claim universal credit so I lose most of my benefits.
The area where he lives does not have good transport links for me to be able to travel on my own round there
I don’t drive

This is why I have been struggling to come to a conclusion. He wants to move to London but it just feels unrealistic. We can’t afford a place in London.

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Does the fact that you get to actually be closer with your partner socially not alleviate some of those cons? I’d rather have a best friend than a travel card or travel links to roam.

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The only problem is if I find a part time job and there’s no transport links for me to be able to get there I’m be screwed. There’s not a lot of jobs down that area of Essex. I need to discuss how he’d feel about me living there and him paying my expenses.

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Sounds like you’re making a lot of sacrifices for your partner, you must really enjoy him. Which is a great thing! I hope it works out well for you two :slightly_smiling_face:

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I dont know about that. I sometimes feel doubtful of this whole relationship. I need to talk to him today.

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Does he drive?
Where do you two usually meet?

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Well he will pop over sometimes and I went over for Christmas to stay with him. I’ve only seen him once or twice in person since then.

You got to decide what would truly make you happy. Be honest with yourself.

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I wish a girl lovedr that much to even consider something like that!! If u decide to move he’s a lucky guy !!!


We lived in central London (Kensington and Chelsea) while I was growing up but only because my parents became caretakers, living the basement of posh blocks of flats, cleaning the foyer and stairs, polishing the brass on the entrance door, and taking down the rubbish bags. The latter task was often seconded to me. I guess that such positions still exist.

Later I managed to live in central London (Camden) again, by squatting empty council houses. That has become illegal I hear.

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