Monthly Budgets 'uncovered' ;)

i changed it lol, thought it sounded a bit better.

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Oh okay. Thanks.

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Piano gal have you tried applying for extra help with Medicare and Medicare Part D?

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Not yet but I should

People spend what they make. I make a lot and usually spend it all. I spend a lot of money on food (mostly eating out) and alcohol and cigarettes.

You spend a lot of money on coffee. You could save a bit there but I don’t see any rent or mortgage payments in your budget. I have two mortgages which eats up most of my monthly income.

Gas/electric/water/tv and internet - £215 per month
Food and toiletries - £200 per month
Mobile phone bill - £13 per month
Incontience supples - £120 per month
Cinima pass - £18 per month
Miscellaneous money - £200 per month
Savings - around £350

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