🐵└@(・ェ・)@┐ say anything XVII @(*^ェ^)@

Racism is not as bad as it used to be.

I’m watching 90’s wrestling and anybody of color was always boo’d. And if they went against anyone with a pale complexion, the white guy was always cheered loudly.

Just as well, the guy called “Flash Funk” (black guy) was always used as a jobber from what I can tell. Which means he always loses the match to make the other wrestler look better.

Now days I can see people fight for us. It’s certainly not as bad as it used to be.

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I need to get back in better habits tomorrow.

I’ve been out of a good routine practically since my surgery,

Tomorrow, it begins again.

Wish me luck.


Good luck @anon54386108! You’ll feel better once you get back into a routine.

I just finished a book after a long dry spell of not reading. Kinda exhilarating.


Happy to hear the reading did you good!

Writing next, huh?

I hope that’s how it goes for me and my routine,

Instead of just being exhausted.


Yeah I hope you’re able to get back into writing.

I’ve been feeling kinda tired a lot too. My apartment has been soooo hot, they still haven’t turned on the A/C.

But yeah, I have a short story to finish. I think it stinks, but I might as well finish it. Ha!

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Good luck!!! :+1:t4:

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I think I might read Kerouac’s ‘Dharma Bums’ next. It’s short and a classic. I meant to read it a long time ago, but I got sidetracked with other things.

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Well I’m having intrusive thoughts about suicide…


Go get something done go to hospital eualls say have an Morgan with a ball. I’m not all here people lol…

No suicide! Talk tlk take cover though.

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You sound super out of it. Are you okay?


Yeah I just took my haldol. I don’t like walking at night.

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I don’t like being out at night either. It makes me super anxious.

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Why are you walking at night? Is it a safe area?

No I’m not going to. Swim lol. I’m just a squirrel chatter. Poor squirrel fight should be territory.

Don’t hurt yourself @anon1571434 :fearful:


It is less about my personal feelings (I never minded the attention when I was single) and more about the boundaries of my relationship with my boyfriend. He doesn’t enjoy having my male friends directly hit on me, say they would give me threesomes with their gf if we broke up, talking about old photos I had sent years ago and asking for “reminders” (even jokingly). It feels to him like they are trying to rudely ignore that I’m in a relationship and treat me as though I’m single to flirt.

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I hope you don’t have any plans or ideas in mind. Please feel free to talk about it if it would help!


Please get help. Until I aeee pdoc in may.


I’m not drunk keep bugging them to take you to get help.

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