Missing my mother

I remember my mom really liking to just drive around neighborhoods and look at houses? A lot of times I went with her. Sometimes I got tired of it. Why do women like houses more than men?

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Does anybody else drive around to look at houses?

sorry you’re missing your mother @Jake


thanks for your concern

Always @Jake :blue_heart: Please take good care of yourself. We care.


Im sorry that you are missing your Mother, Jake.
She will be forever with you.

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Thanks Wave…


I’m sorry you miss your mom. Maybe you could go look at houses in her honor.


My wife likes looking at houses.

My mom and I used to take a yearly drive to look at Christmas lights. We’d drive for hours. It was a tradition from when grandma was alive. IDK why we stopped doing it.

I’m sorry you are missing her.

My mum once took me on a two hour walk where we did nothing but look at the different windows on people’s houses. She called it “gathering inspiration”.
I think it’s probably part of the nesting instinct to want to dream about having a great house.


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