Me today, as told by Baby Cakes

“I got a long list of complaints and a ■■■■ ton of suspicions.”
-Baby Cakes

This video is how I feel today:
(explicit content)

God, I love Brad Neely



But I’m having a weird day and these are my go-to videos for a good laugh…

Hopefully you think they are as funny as I do.

Another classic:

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LOL! These are great!!

“Just close your mouth when you eat sh1t.”

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I’m happy someone else likes them.

My humor is a little strange and the guy that makes these cartoons just is on the same wave length.

Love it:

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OH MY GOD! That was hilarious! I really needed cheering up this morning too. You’re brilliant, keep them coming and tag me in them so I don’t miss them!!! :joy::joy::joy::kissing_heart:

@anon84763962, I can do this all day, homie!

This one is my personal favorite, its two parts:

“It was just one of those sexy ass Sunday nights…”

“even Trevor” :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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“Over sexed Lord of the Dance”

Did you ever watch the show, China, IL?

Its got the same characters, just much better animation.

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I’ve never heard of it. I hadn’t heard of any of these videos until you posted them.

It is pure magic,

I love that show, I’ve watched all four seasons like seven times.

Can’t get enough!

I’m happy you liked it!

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These are the videos!

Relax and try to pretend you’re stoned and have a very off color sense of humor,

Then you may be able to enjoy.