May need heart surgery after all...freaking out

I just heard back after results…I have an enlarged aorta and enlarged right valve. they say from probably being overweight (I was really big used to be), and smoking…which I don’t anymore…anyways…may need a shunt in my heart !! omg.


Sorry to hear that. Yeaterdsy i has an echocardiogram and a 24 hour tape. They said my leak looks like it hasnt got any worse but these things are so scary.


If you need to have surgery, I hope it goes smoothly.


@jukebox I know how scary this is, to an extent. I’ve had surgeries knowing I get blood clots, but moreso, my husband had a heart attack in his mid-40s and had to have a double bypass. It was so, so terrifying. He’s my everything, and the idea of him going through that shook the foundation of my whole life. So my heart goes out to you more than you could know. My husband has been there, and I was right there with him. You can do this. You can come out of it better than ever. Please, please keep us updated.


I wish you well @jukebox
Heart surgery techniques have come a long way since the 1960s

You should be just fine @jukebox

Please keep us posted


I’m pro the surgery functioning

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thanks everyone…I might not even need the shunt…but it’s possible…I have to do an limited echocardiogram with bubble test…whatever that is to determine if I need a shunt…I can’t afford the gas to go to the next town until October so I will just have to be patient.


Take care @jukebox i hope everything works out

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sorry to hear wishes

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My brother’s wife’s father had a heart operation and he was 75 when he had it. He was fine.

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Sorry to hear that. I hope your heart gets well. Id be scared too. Hugs

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thanks everyone…now that I 'm not upset anymore, I feel lucky that we caught whatever needs to be done before something drastic happened…I hear the shunt may keep me from having a stoke (If I need a shunt , that is), so there’s that.


I’m glad they found it before a catastrophe and I hope whatever treatment they determine you need goes smoothly

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thanks @LilyoftheValley exactly…it could be worse…stroke is nothing to fool around with…!!

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Wish you well.:pray:t4:

I know someone who had that surgery and it all went smoothly and she is alive still over sixteen years later.

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oh thank you @SacredNeigh7 that makes me feel a lot better.


Good luck, hope you don’t need a surgery.

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