May I make a suggestion?

Would you make the logo smaller when you are browsing the threads?

I’d like to be able to hang out here at work or at a coffee shop without being pegged as a well, you know… a Schizophrenic. Since the pitchforks and torches come in smartphones and whispers now.


Back at the beginning of the year I was taking a course and I was browsing the site on the computer and all my other colleagues could see the site I was in. It’s a suggestion.

I agree whole heartedly. I like looking at this site while my children do gymnastics. I do not however like the fact that anyone can look over my shoulder and see that huge sign.

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Yeah, good luck with the site owner taking any suggestion to heart. This place is not a democracy, and it is treated as such. Sad. There have been NUMEROUS awesome suggestions made on this site, and none of them come to fruition. There is always an excuse or deafening silence.

Sounds reasonable - we’ll do it. Let me play with it a bit - but I do see your point.


Why? Isn’t on the site owner’s interest our well-being?

If you’ve spent any length of time on these forums, you’d know that good ideas are not heeded, and I suspect the only reason why this one is, is because I called him out on it.

I’d bet good money that the ADS for schizophrenia stuff are going to remain prominently displayed, at least two of which he has a personal stake in.

You don’t seem to be yourself Greg - are you ok?

I’m fine, just tired of all the BS. I got a job today - I am personally rocking life. But no one cares about that. It’s all about misery and suffering here. Self-perpetuating self-defeat. No, that’s not meant as a slight against you buddy. I am a lot more direct if I have an issue with someone. :smile: I wish people on here would knuckle up some more and get out of the rut they enjoy living in.


I wish you well as Always - You hang in there

Thanks man, I will. The pdoc called off the Clozaril threat. Now she wants to adjust my Haldol dose, which I am against. 10 mg of the stuff is enough. I don’t need more EPS, thanks doc.

yeah my pdoc prescribed me Low dose Zyprexa as an add on to my Risperdal - I may eventually take it. Getting tired of all these meds though

I saw that thread. It’s a good med, but with your diabetes, I agree it may be a bit of a reach for you. Feel free to PM me. I enjoy chatting with you. :smiley:

Sure buddy - anytime

Good luck on the new job! Hope you like it.

Did he/she knock the Risp dose down a little?

@notmoses - I am on 2.5 mg Risperdal and she wants me to take 1.25mg - 2.5mg of Zyprexa a tiny dose.

No knocking down the dose of Risperdal - same dose

you might get more room…in the coffee shop/cafe !?!.. :coffee: :smiley:
take care :alien:


Hmm. Well. You know the drill: Observe like a fiend to see how it works.

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