Man, why do I do stuff that upsets me

I live in a very isolated village. There is next to no bus service. I can’t afford a car. All there is here is a pub which is filled with judgemental locals. They stand outside the bar smoking and whispering.

The pub is directly opposite my house. I am scared to go out when they are there. I hate those guys. I wish they would leave me alone.

I wish my pdoc would also stop putting pressure on my to be a social butterfly when my circumstances dictate the only people I can socialise with are the bigoted locals.

I feel bad


Sounds like you’re caught between a rock and a hard place. I’d feel the same way. Is there any bus service? Surely you could go somewhere else ?


I can’t believe the pub which you mentioned in the past is opposite to your house!

About the transportation: What about motorcycle or bicycle?

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part of me would say go and make friends if it were possible. let them see the real you, perhaps endearing. but that might be pie in the sky.


You don’t need them @anon20613941. Entertain yourself with your own company. That’s what I do. Just acquire many interests that you can do at home alone and keep your self busy at home alone. You should be very happy, as I am.

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