Hey everyone. I’ve been having trouble motivating myself to do much, because I am sad. There’s nothing that desperately needs to get done, but quite a few things I wish I was doing and feel guilty over not doing. I know if I can cross even one item off the list, I will feel better. Make me do it. Before and after pictures will be posted.
Hey everyone. I woke up feeling better today, so I think I will tackle the playroom. It has become quite messy lately and the poor roomba can’t get in there.
Pretty sure the fact we’re all getting on these things take a back seat sometimes.
The worst thing for me is laundry… I have not ironed my clothes for about 3-4 weeks, and there is a massive pile that needs doing. I suppose at least I wash them, but I have a washer dryer, and it means everything needs ironing!
For dishes, I bought a table top dishwasher as I am that lazy! (Highly recommended them!)