Looking back and feeling positive

it is hard to look back and feel positive about my past.

it is easier to be a negative person.

of course there have been nasty people in my past but why harp on it?

I am going to try to remember the beautiful people in my life.

past and present.



Yes I think about nasty people but it does me no good they are not worth it

i am finally learning to tell myself that what the nasty people do is no big deal.

why make a big deal of it?

you are right shellys – they aren’t worth it.


That sounds like what my therapist was working on with me for a while…

The more I dwell on it… the more I feed it… the bigger it gets…
The less I feed it… the smaller the past hurts become…

Good luck… I have a feeling you have met some very great people in your life…


People are only as powerful and you let them be…take away your recognition of their dominance and you are no longer subordinate. Power is psychological these days, hardly ever is animalistic physical power exerted upon the average person.

I stay physically powerful as a symbol of my psyche. I look on the outside how I am on the inside. Tough.

Now that is my manner in which I cope- you dont need to be the buffest person in the room to be happy, unless you are me. LOL

if you dont even let the negativity get to you, if you counter it with your own sheer power of will, you wont be hurt easily at all.

Little things go a long way for me- the kindness of a stranger, the kindness of someone who knows me- it often really does make me remember why I am alive- because people are inherently good. There is too much social order for the better in society for me to think otherwise. Things like reading the works of an outstanding psychologist often remind me of how I am alive today- people like that lived in pursuit of OUR happiness and well-being. Bringing us to health was their mode of being healthy themselves.

It is beautiful when you think about it.