just going to pay for dinner this year. mom picks the place. money is a little tighter this year than years past.
the last couple years I have gotten her hanging baskets for the porch. one year it was something that flowered but had to be deadheaded and last year it was 5 ferns.
heard a commercial on the radio about mother’s day, so I had to do some thinking about it. she’ll be ok with just dinner.
I usually take my mom out for dinner as well and tell her to get whatever she wants. Seems like it was mother’s day just yesterday… time is going quickly. Take her somewhere they serve lobster or something else expensive and delicious
yeah I will suggest a seafood place. I’ve never had lobster and need to try it. sometimes it depends on her mood, she doesn’t always like to go out and fight the crowds. I guess I could cook her a meal if that’s the case, but im not a great cook, will talk it over with her.
and maybe I will get her something, she needs a new lawn chair for when we go listen to music downtown on the square in the summers. music on the river starts in june.
my niece is graduating high school next month. im going to give her $100 at her graduation party. the same amount as her sister a couple years ago. $100 doesn’t even buy a textbook these days, I wish I had more to give her. but she gets 2 years of her college schooling paid for, one of my brothers military benefits. he got 4 years school paid for but split it among his two daughters.
just talked to her. she doesn’t want to go out. she says “men always want to go out for mother’s day, they don’t want to cook” haha. so I guess im cooking and getting her a lawnchair.
mom’s in a mood today. she says she doesn’t want anything for mother’s day. doesn’t even want to grill out. she says “don’t get me anything, I have my own money if I want to buy something. don’t spend your money on me”…haha im still going to get her something, she needs a new lawnchair, that will be under $50…so that’s what she is getting…and dad is getting the same thing for father’s day. but he WILL want to go to dinner.