Lol at my avatar

Somebody is having an early 90s flash back…

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And it was @Minnii…nice…

I actually think it was @Moonbeam

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It got worse lol

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Entirely too hilarious. Lmfao!!! Rofl!!! Dont pretend like you didnt do it yourself @flameoftherhine!!! Got all exited about your new fruit of the looms and couldnt contain it!! Had to go showing off!!!

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Its terrible…lol now the dam songs stuck in my head…


Wait… Is he eating pasta? Lol

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:joy: :joy: Lol

Lol so his pose is actually just to keep spaghetti sauce off his white shorts…

I corrected it for you :joy:

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You could have changed it in my post…@shutterbug changed some words for me once…I forgot about that power…I mean no you can’t…you see nothing…these are not the panty liners your looking for…

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Damn I forgot I could :smile:

Nah @flameoftherhine I can only take credit for the “fox licking the window” avatar, and the “nana nana boo boo” and “neener neener neener” titles.:grin:

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I would NEVER do anything like that.


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Holy sheet good word swap…it looks realistic…lol dam canananadians…

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