Lithium, good or bad? What sfx you had?

In which way? 151515

Itā€™s just gotten worse over time but some of it could be attributed to age.


Did you gain weight on lithium?

Did you feel flat?

I was bloated with water weight on lithium and yes it kind of made me tired.
But remember everyone is different.

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Ok thanks for sharing :clap::slightly_smiling_face:

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Good luckā€¦1515

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How are you?..


Doing well zoa, just a bit tired

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@Anon10, I was taking Lithium many years ago for mood swings. It didnā€™t touch my mood swing problem. But it gave me permanent hypothyroidism for the rest of my life that I have to take a drug called Synthroid for now.

Iā€™m on liquid Lithiumā€¦works great!!!

It is very damaging over the longterm. My advice is get well enough, in order to come off it (if you are on it) and then get on another med as soon as you can. Tbh it should never ever be taken longtermā€¦

Iā€™ve heard that the dose for lithium to become effective is close to the dose at which it becomes toxic. Youā€™re supposed to drink a lot of water with it.

I used to have hypothyroidism while on lithium but never else in my life now that I think of it. In 2010-11 I took lithium and cynthroid. I didnā€™t feel lithium did much for me. I was on zyprexa that year which actually did something. Wellbutrin, did a little bit. Lamictal hardly did ā– ā– ā– ā– !! I was on lamictal as well.

And then when I went off Zyprexa I was hospitalized and put on clozaril eventually. Makes no sense right?? They forgot to try abilify and other stuff that works. Good Iā€™m rebellious and refused clozapine. My friend isnā€™t as rebellious as me and has been on clozapine for 6 years. Prescribed by the same doctor. Heā€™s overweight and Iā€™m sure has a lot of side affects from clozaril.


I am on 1200mg of Lithium. Iā€™ve never been toxic. Sometimes I get a headache and stomach ache, but if I divide the dose and take it after eating Iā€™m okay. The combination of Latuda and Lithium has taken away from hallucinations for now.

It made my hands shake and the drugs to remove the shake didnā€™t work and came with other bad side-effects. I remember one day in the psych-ward they had soup for lunch. Never managed to get any in my mouth as the spoon was always empty by the time it got there. Sprayed soup everywhere else, though.

Nasty med.

In my second hospitalization I was put on lithium and I sleept for three days straight