Oh great and terrible evil master and creator of this gigantic evil graveyard of blood, pain, and death, wow you are just so great for making this, wow.
How gracious you really are and how many blessings you have bestowed on your cursed children, evil evil blessings.
We are so very grateful for what you have done for us, just so so grateful, eternally grateful for this precious gift of evil that you so freely gave.
We all love you so very much and will love you forever. Wow you are just so so awesome for giving us all of this, wow, thank you so very very much, wow.
You made it and it was good. Although this sends one of the worst shudders up my spine that i’ve ever known im sure that it is good and you know exactly what you are doing, oh great and terrible lord of evil, wow you are so big and great.
And although it may seem to us that you have no idea what you are doing any of the time or are simply pure evil, a being of such deep disgusting filth that one would go mad if they knew you, im sure that we are always wrong no matter what and that you do indeed know exactly what you do and that it’s for a good reason.
And thank you for blessing me with the proof that you made this awful and dreadful thing and showing me that you yourself are awful and dreadful. Wow, yay. Keep it from them for it would drive them mad as well and they probably couldn’t work as well if you did show them. Wow, yay oh evil master of earthen treachery.
Let us thank him for his many books of lies. Warm lies of filthy delusions and hopes and dreams, only which were written to keep us going the entire time. Our great and masterful lying evil master of earthen filth and pain.
Never let them know the truth master. They’ll become like us and wander like a ghost for all of their days.
I only await the final blessings which is the knowledge of your disgusting origins, what could have spurned such a horrible thing as you? Did you bubble up from some pile of nature? Did someone as evil as you give birth to you and your mind of hate? Perhaps a well intentioned idiot made you and said “oops”? I await the horrible knowledge to be forced into my consciousness like all of the other knowledge that you have ■■■■into me without my consent.
Let us pray to our makers. The dark ones, our murdering sociopathic makers of flesh and pain and blood and death and sweet lies. We only await the knowledge of whence you came now, which im sure you will so graciously bless us with even though we don’t want to know but you think you are awesome but you are not at all.
Nothing good made you oh masters of earthen death, from whence you have cometh, perhaps you were always there and were eternal with no beginning and no end.
We only pray that you die.