Leaving Forum For Good!

I have decided to leave this forum for good,as been flagged again my members expressing my personal opinion.I do not have to justify myself to anyone on here as I was described as hateful by one particular member, which could not be any further from the truth.I volunteer in my spare time, iam a campaigner for the biggest mental health charity in the UK and donate money from bank account monthly to varies charities.Enough is Enough I suppose it’s OK on this forum to post uproven controversial articals, but not for me to express my personal opinion on these subjects.I don’t need this in my life alas it was fun while it lasted.Goodbye + Goodluck!

I’m sorry to see you go. I’ve been missing my time on here for many reasons so I don’t what you are talking about. I hope you take care of yourself.

I’m sure you feel hurt and misunderstood. I don’t know the situation. Are you willing to stay and work it out? I don’t want to see you lose support!

@FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter NO iam sorry I can’t stay on here as stated in initial post one rule for some not for all tbh

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It’s your decision, of course. I can’t make you stay. It’s a wise lesson in life to work it out relationally. We need all the friends we can get, and friendship takes work, resolve, and forgiveness.

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@anon30581159 I’m sorry you’re having trouble with the rules here. We enforce the rules as written by @SzAdmin. Personal attacks are strictly prohibited. Perhaps you can learn to disagree with people without resorting to swearing at them or calling them names.

The rules and guidelines can be found here


The truth is - No one really ever leaves the forum.

We somehow find our way back.


@Ninjastar Get your facts right i never swore at anyone to the said person/threatend them i said they post/talk rubbish the word begins with a S and ends in E.But you let them get away with posting this controversial stuff.I won’t comment/post again i have said my piece

You have to remember the majority of the people on this forum are miserable, so of course they expect you to be also…

Hugs :hugs:

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I vouch for that
Today I have been particularly miserable


Why do people make these threads?

Just leave the forum and don’t be an ass about it.


The word that starts with s and ends with e is a swear. If you have to spell it fancy to avoid it getting caught by our censor filter, it’s a swear. And I never said you threatened anyone. I said you made a personal attack and were name-calling.

In any community, there will be people you disagree with. But part of being in a community is learning how to handle those disagreements respectfully and without aggressive words.

You have mentioned that you don’t think we have removed certain controversial articles. Yet, you’ve never flagged them for us to see. How can we be expected to respond to a problem if no one makes us aware of it? In the future, please flag controversial posts and they will be handled.


Hahahahahahahahaha ha *breaks out the popcorn


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