L theanine and positive symptoms

So I bought a bottle of 200 mg L theanine supplements a few hours ago to see if it would help lessen the effects of my positive symptoms and help me sleep better and lessen my stress level. The bottle that I have also contains ashwagandha and after I took one pill around 30 mins later I started getting really sleepy so I went to bed. While I was sleeping my sleep was kept getting disturbed by my body constantly trying to jerk me out of sleep. This happens a lot when I’m trying to sleep and it started happening recently and it’s affecting the quality of sleep that I have. I think it’s my tactile hallucinations because it was going 10x harder after I had took the supplement. I finally got to sleep tho while feeling these tactile hallucinations but only for a few hours and then I woke up again. After waking up tho I noticed my tactile hallucinations have suddenly subsided and my voices have stopped talking saying only a few words here and there. Don’t think it has helped my sleep much since I’m up writing on this forum right now lol but my eyes are still very tired and I will see how it will help my sleep as I continue to take these pills. I’m amazed because my voices haven’t stopped being relentlessly audible since a few months ago and the tactile hallucinations were nonstop. When I first started to have tactile hallucinations I would only feel them after a few hours of waking up. Nowadays it’s nonstop. Maybe it’s just a coincidence or placebo effect but it’s very relieving to not have constant positive symptoms even for a little bit. Not sure if this will continue to keep my symptoms and bay but I’m hoping it will and I’m planning on taking another pill in 3hours


L-theanine help some people here. Good luck and let us know how it goes :+1:


Please keep us informed with your experience with L-theanine. I’m thinking of buying it. Theoretically it increases dopamine.

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It didn’t help me but everyone is different.

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I got a bottle of it
Haven’t tried it yet. Started taking Omega 3…and nothing bad from it. I feel a slight slight bit better
Been a couple months now

Next I will try is the ltheanine


Good luck! 1515

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L-theanine helps a bit with my positive symptoms. Not a lot, but some.

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Update: When I woke up this morning my hallucinations started to come back subtlety. As soon as I woke up I was feeling tactile hallucinations trying to control my breathing and the voices started to get frequent again. I took another pill around 6:30am before heading to work and throughout the day nothing really changed. I expected as much as I didn’t want to hype myself up too much but I’m hoping it will help in the long run.

How long have u been taking it?

About a year so far.

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I’ve taken it on and off for years. It’s not super powerful. It can increase dopamine. Alcohol helpa relax you before sleep but doesn’t improve sleep quality. People say take it before bed to help relax you for sleep. Personally I feel it effects my sleep quality and I see it as more of an afternoon medication

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