Job question poll

Take your time. I eased back into working. There was no need to rush back into it. When you are ready you will know.

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Hell, I worked while psychotic and addicted to crack. I didn’t think it was anything out of the ordinary at the time cause I was living it. Now it amazes me.


I’m working currently and its hard sometimes but I think I’m doing well


You seem stable enough that you can do it. But if I was having an episode I would probably stay home for a while.


I get hit with things that I normally don’t when there’s change.

Maybe try listening to earbuds? Music? It calms me down.

Best wishes to you, sweetie! Good luck :hugs:

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I wish my brothers would gain insight into addiction. When I read about you, here, it gives me hope.

AA, CA and NA saved me. Does your brother want to stop?

My older brother does not. My younger brother has been to aa and na. He’s in jail. He’s been to rehab countless times.

I wish everybody with addiction or alcoholism would “get” AA like I did.
Once I got serious about stopping, AA was there and showed me not only how to stay clean, it also showed me a new, better way to live just by following a few simple principles. But the addict or alcoholic has to want to help himself and has to want to quit.

An old AA saying says, " It’s a simple program, not an easy one."

Yes, I don’t think they want to quit. So much addiction runs in my family that I usually refuse addictive meds. Thanks for sharing, hon.

I’m glad you’re clean and sober! Yaaaaaaaay you!


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