I've decided to get some Wendy's for supper but I can't choose which sandwich

Should I get a Daves double burger, A classic chicken sandwich or a spicy chicken sandwich?

  • Dave’s Double
  • Classic Chicken
  • Spicy Chicken

0 voters


None of those. Get a Baconator.

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Definitely the spicy chicken. I’ve never had it but I really want that now.


I went all out for the double burger…we are having burgers today…yayyyyy…


5 jr bacon cheeseburgers

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Breakfast burrito

Thats mcdonalds

I voted for the Dave’s double. That’s a tasty burger! :slight_smile:

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We had a Wendy’s here nearby in Canada but it closed. I haven’t seen a Wendy’s here since then.

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I just checked Google maps and there is 2 in my city but far from my house.

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There is lots of Mcdonald’s though.

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Some Wendy’s actually serve breakfast.

What did you end up getting @Bowens?


Haha…I’m almost ashamed to give you my answer. I ended up getting the Spicy Chicken AND the double because I was split on what to get. So I got the top two votes on the poll. I don’t usually eat that much because I’m suppose to be on a diet but I did today.


@Bowens how was the spicy chicken sandwich? Was it spicy? Was it crispy? Haven’t had one and can’t have it :frowning:

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It was spicy but not as crispy as I would have hoped. I think it sometimes depends who is working as to how well your food turns out.

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@Bowens okay thank you

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