Its now or never

My memory is very poor. When it occurs to me ive got to do something i have do it immediately or ill forget about it. Its a pain, is this the same for anyone else?

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I write it down.

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I keep a check list on my phone for the important things i need to do, but not for minor matters.

fingolfin. my short term memory was the pits but i somehow kept trying every which way and it is a whole lot better now.


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Same here its my short term memory that is terrible. Do you have any tips on how you improved yours?

fingolfin. short term memory is connected with functioning level. try to keep active… use the tools necessary like writing things down to help you to function on a higher level than where things are now

i hope this helps you judy :heart_eyes: :innocent: :joy: :sweat_smile: :blush:


Thanks @ifeelblessed :+1:

I use my phone to remember everything .


My memory is bad. Which is unfortunate as I have so much stuff to remember. I also use my phone to keep track of things.

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I use my calendar on my phone

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I used to keep notes on my phone but it actually made my mind grow even lazier.
Now I push myself to remember. More of a dark art than an exact science, honestly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails. Here goes:

Learn by association: for instance, the name of a person → connect it to a famous namesake and visualize a labelled chain that links the two people.

Repeat: form a habit to repeat aloud the phone number or medication title etc until you engrave it in your brain.

Take it easy: keep the stress low. Stress leads to mind blocks and forgetting stuff.

Eliminate distractions: multitasking on mental activities is impossible for most. Don’t talk on the phone and watch tv. You’ll fall short of absorbing either stream of information.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks Andrey :+1:

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