It's called "almost depressed"

When you don’t have good feelings of fulfillment but can still get through the day. I think that describes me and maybe a lot of us on the forum.


I’m full on depressed i sleep sometimes for 24 hours because i don’t feel like getting up, also i will have short bursts of laughter or happiness and then a coming down feeling, where i feel like ■■■■ again…doesn’t last…if that isn’t depression i don’t know what is…

my doc called that ‘lack of joy’ and prescribed anti depressants. I love them. I’m happy. long term

Yes- “Part acts. One day at a time.”

I call it just another day,you gotta count backwards man, think positive dude,I figure I got 40 yrs in and by the looks of things not much longer to go.

I might be completely depressed. I just don’t want to take more meds at this point. I’m better in the mornings, getting a lot done but misery is sinking in at around 5 pm and all I want to do is disappear.

I tend to call this going through the motions. You may still have hints of depression inside of you, but it’s not a full blown depression attack. You kind of feel blah like. Things that typically bring you joy doesn’t seem to work. With me the mood tends to come and go. It usually happens right after a depression attack and my mind/body is trying to recover from it.