It’s cutting calories—not intermittent fasting—that drops weight, study suggests

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OMFG, first intemittent fasting was the way to lose weight. Then people who did it have a higher chance of death. NOw it doesnt help anymore than cutting calories without the time restraints.

This leads me to say something similar to what I’ve said before : If people knew half as much as they claim to know we would have colonies on mars by now.

My DOCTOR even agreed intermittant fasting would be a good way to go.

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i thought this was known. intermitant fasting works cause u eat less cause u limit ur eating times. which limits ur calories. ive always done it while counting the calories in the eat time just to make sure. if u eat 3000 calories in 2 hrs, you will gain weight. but that is hard to do.

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Most of the positive research “supporting” it has been selective and dodgy. Not sure why people latched onto it so hard. Weight loss boils down to math: Expend more calories than you take in.

the whole point of intermittant fasting is to limit calorie intake

Depends on the program. Some advertise that you can eat additional calories during certain hours without penalty.

THis is not what researchers have claimed. Check this out article which was medically refviewed and updated 5 months ago.

Intermittent fasting is currently one of the world’s most popular health and fitness trends.

Research shows that this different type of eating pattern can help you with weight loss, improve metabolic health, manage stress, help protect against disease and other conditions, and perhaps even help you live longer.

Now which is it? Is intermittent fasting a solid way to lose weight or is it a risk for potential death and no bettter than cutting calories without the time constraints? Hell if I know.