Isn't it peculiar how psychosis decides what to speak to us

Like, how does psychosis decide what to tell us?


I was never sure. It’s a fascinating topic

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I also try to figure out. It seems to be totally random

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I’ve never thought of that before. That’s interesting. I don’t know why I got my psychosis.

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The thing that baffles me about my psychosis is that it is like a narrative, a story, which keeps on going on and on. Like if I am psychotic, it is not that random things are happening to me, it is like a movie playing out, the next scene follows the first one logically, and the one after that is also like that, so I am not sure if it is not an external force all the time. Like I really don’t understand how my mind can do all this.


I find it amazing how each of these personalities has depth. The ones in my mind, it’s so convincing.

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Thanks for all your insights.

I enjoyed reading them.

It’s weird how psychosis sometimes feels more real than the common reality we share. To me.


It really hasn’t been studied enough imo


It’s similar type of stuff between those who have psychosis so I wouldnt expect it to be personally meaningful

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This is my psychosis song,

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My psychosis is a projection of myself.

How can it really be another person, when my mind is in my body and not in theirs.

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I do believe there is some universal connectivity somehow because we all desire to feel good. And avoid torture.

That connects us.

And what also connects us is that everyone is unique; it’s not just me who is unique, but instead it’s all of us, lol.

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Until I came back to this forum I used to think I was the only one with my particular psychosis. Now I realize after others describe their own psychosis that I am not the only one.

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Yes this place makes us feel less lonely. It’s pretty amazing :face_exhaling::disappointed_relieved:

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It just feeds off whatever youve thought about current or past then it gets all twisted up.


For example my last episode i was making youtube vlog videos about hacking the algorithm lol and i kept thinking it was related to saying famous peoples names like bezos, musk, bill gates, mr beast, pewdiepie etc.

About 2 days later bezos, musk, zuckerberg and bill gates were in my head as entities.

I checked the video last week and was like dammit thats how the voices became them. Lol

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What did bill Gates say to you lol? Not to make light of your suffering just curious what he did haha


Tons of stuff. I get voices that are full conversations.

I prefer to forget about it all. Lol

The main one though that episode was a character called “unconscious mind”.

I refer to them as characters to detach from it.

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The famous people voices were part of a group that they called the collective consciousness. Everyone had some ultimate goal they were tasked with. Zuckerberg was obsessed with progression at all costs lol. It was pretty confusing for sure. They had me “defragment” my brain on my phone by pressing the suggested word button on text until my phone battery died. I remember i judt kept seeing hearts, jesus loves you, your doing the right thing etc… i was probably hallucinating that tho i dunno lol.

Aiiii i just need a normal brain yo

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