Is Your Life Important?. (Answer Inside)

Hmm. . .

So Is Your Life Important?.

Yes!. Yes It Is!.

You Awake, You Cleanse, You Feed, You Live, You Rest, You Feed, You Cleanse, You Sleep.

And Throughout All of These Basic’s. You Wander, Ponder, Wish, Feel, And Dream.

I Dunno About Anyone Else, But!, Seems Pretty Important To Me.

And Even if You Feel As If You Are The Only One Who Truly Cares, Feel Free In Your Wandering.

N e Hoo. . .

Pink Floyd~ ‘Have A Cigar’. (Album/Wish You Were Here). Released In 1975. 10/10

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :roll_eyes: :sleeping: :roll_eyes:

Thank you kind sir

Hmm?. . .

You’re Welcome.

What Part Of The Original Post Gives A Sense For Wonder And Joyful Emotions The Most?.

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :roll_eyes: :sleeping: :roll_eyes:

The cleanse 15151515

Hmm. . .

Thank You @Schwann, For Your Contribution!.

Which Reminds Me Of The Etching’s Of Our Shadows’ Language Anciently Silenced.

From Thinking, To Humming, To Whispering, To Whistling, To Speaking, To Singing.

<~oO0Oo~Dreams, Dreaming Dreams, In Dreams, Dreaming~oO0Oo~>

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :roll_eyes: :sleeping: :roll_eyes:

Hmm. . .

Perhaps You Feel Left Out. Lost. Alone. Like You’re Fighting A Battle You Can Never Win.

Don’t Give Up. Don’t Give In. Try…, Jus Try, Again. Once More!, And Again!. And Again, & Again!.

‘What is more important in making life worth living —finding joy/humor, playing, achieving goals, improving knowledge, helping others, building relationships, creative acts of painting/writing/inventing/music/etc, love, minimal goals, meditation, pursuit, discovering, appreciating every minute’. (From Google)

~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~ :roll_eyes: :sleeping: :roll_eyes:

The End Has No End

Sunrise Home And Wise
Something Obscure Love For Life
For Each Day And Night

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