Just remember, this can pass. If your foul mood persists maybe you could talk to your doctor about an antidepressant. Try not to dwell on the negative. Enjoy a sunset. Do a little bird watching. Watch a good movie. Go to a pizza buffet. Life can get better.
I don’t accept that. I will get better in some ways. In other ways I’ll get worse.
I feel like giving up sometimes when things get frustrating but I always feel good again eventually though it may take a good nights sleep and a few hours in the morning for the eventual good things to happen. I’m 59 and still teachable and not dead yet and I’m having an OK day and that’s good enough for me. I had my little adventures today met some both friendly and unfriendly people and later I’ll go home and have a good dinner.
Things don’t always go my way and life ain’t easy but that’s the breaks. I reluctantly accept that too. If I have a heary attack tomorrow and I’m on my deathbed at least I’ll know I dated a few women who were way out of my leaugue, I scared some soldiers, I saw and did some cool things as an addict (I’m not endorsing drug use, it almost killed me) that many people have not seen or done, I flew across the country, watched a girl in shorts roller skating in the hospital, been chained to a bed in a mental institution, (which may be bad, but it’s a helluva life experience) and had lots of laughs and good times despite having one of the top ten disabling diseases in the world.And that counts for something.
My wish for you @everhopeful, would be that you keep going and you learn more and get better. I can’t give you those things except to say that as I aged I got better and I could have given up easily but I climbed some mountains and got to the top despite being laughed at or treated condescendingly by idiots who want me to give up. I can’t advise you perfectly on this topic but things tend to get better right after things look bleakest. I wish you luck in your life and I hope you catch a glimpse of some hope in your life. Now, back to my diet soda and I have to get back to the neighbors from hell.
I’ve had to accept that the best days with my heart health are behind me. That doesn’t mean I can’t continue to live a good life life, it just means that either I find a new way of doing old things within my new limits, or that I give up some old things and find replacements I enjoy as much. There’s still a lot of quality living to be had within the constraints I find myself in and I’m going to strive to enjoy what time I have left as best I can.
Hey @everhopeful, this Youtube channel is run by a friend of mine, Larrie Thomson. He’s a photographer I’ve shot with many a time over the past two decades. Dude had a MASSIVE heart attack in Jan of 2017 and had to get an LVAD implanted. Check out his videos, you can see this hasn’t stopped him from enjoying his life. He’s doing so well in fact that he hasn’t put his name on the transplant list for a new heart yet, although he clearly qualifies for it (he’d nearly go straight to the top in fact).
I hope you find Larrie as inspiring as I do. I’m very privileged to know him personally.
For me it’s a case of maintaining a level ,rather than expecting any great step forward. All in all I’m doing better than I was in Essex, which shows the value of good support.
I’m relatively stable, anxiety is there but not too bad;physically not perfect but not at death’s door-or anything like that .
I used to think the rest of my life would be spent in the same room with my parents taking care of me and once they passed I would be done for.
But then I told myself “what if I tried harder” ? Can it get any worse than it already is? No it can’t. And guess what. Three years later I’m able to hold down a job and socialize. I live on my own. I am not able to raise kids and even a serious romantic relationship might be too much right now but I am still entertaining the thought that tomorrow I can change my mind.
My father always gives me comfort when he gives advice to me. But the most comforting and hopeful message he gives me is that you should never let your current situation dictate your future. This gives me hope for my future, even with this disease.
I think the best results come from good support and treatment as soon as possible . Once you get to a certain age having had incompetent treatment and poor support then the chances of doing really well greatly diminish .
The reason why my life is where it is now is because I stopped settling. I stopped saying “this is just how my life is going to be”. I am not entirely sure of your situation but I think it is worth it to fight hard every day for the lives we want to live.