Is excessive loneliness more mental or real

sometimes i wonder if being super lonely is just depression creeping up or if itd actually be gone if had someone

Some ppl enjoy being alone.

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Good question. Iā€™ve heard that it isnā€™t good to allow yourself to become dependent on someone else for self esteem. Iā€™ve been pretty lonely before. Iā€™d bet that many of us have. If you live in a city there are probably ā€œemotions anonymousā€ groups around. Itā€™s a twelve step group that treats things like loneliness and frustration.

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Depends what age you are. The younger you are the more you crave company. The older you get, not so much.


I crave some company.
I donā€™t really do well when Iā€™m all by myself for periods over an hour.

Maybe in the future Iā€™ll get roommates or get into supportive housing where Iā€™ll be living with others.

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i am kind of a loner but am not the best socially. i am subtly depressed i think, not sad but just dragging my feet through life.

@crimby idk if its to the point i need support or anything

@everhopeful im young but i have been pretty much alone for the past 5 years since getting sza

@Aziz i enjoy it sometimes but other times it is boring, at least theres no drama


Me too, it depends on my mood.

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