I’ve been cutting my own hair because of the corona virus.
I will be, haven’t been though cos usually it’s layered cut. But now I’m just gonna have a plain, one length cut.
Yep. I’ve been cutting my while family’s hair for a year now.
I too, have been cutting my own hair since the beginning of the pandemic. I bought an overpriced Wahl hair clipper on Amazon to shave my hair bald since I am balding on the top of my head anyways.
Mr. Star and I were giving each other haircuts, but then he decided to grow his out and barbershops opened back up here so I can see a professional again.
Thanks to the recommendations from @Aziz and @anon21849028 ive been buzzing my own hair with no help from others.
I feel more in control doing this.
I think that women have much bigger problem.
Years ago I cut my own hair and my ex husband’s hair.
I cut my sister’s hair during lockdown. I would make an awesome hairdresser but except I don’t like the chatting lol.
That’s an ongoing battle in our home. My wife hates cutting my hair and won’t have her hair cut by anyone but a barber. She’s on my back to “just go get it cut”. I insist on having her buzz it, which she despises. I could care less about how my hair looks and would prefer not to expose myself to The Rona over something so silly.
I haven’t cut my hair in a little over 3 years. It’s down to the small of my back. I need to measure it, I might be able to donate two batches at once.
i havent paid for someone to cut my hair in 8 years now. i just buzz it with clippers and then let it grow out again. will probably buzz it every 3 months from now on.
My mother cut my hair. We’re in a support bubble as I live alone and have mental health problems so it’s allowed
I’m letting my hair grow
and my beard too.
I think even if you don’t have mental health problems, if you live alone, one is allowed to form a support bubble. It’s good they do that…
Ah ok. I remember from first lockdown I had a letter from my care coordinator to justify it.
Glad they do it for all single people.
Would really suck being stuck on your own like that.
Yea, for months and months, imagine. At least we have technology I guess.
I have been cutting my own hair since I was young. But I go to the barber for occasions like holidays, weddings, etc
I didnt go to the barber since covid started though so yeah covid affected me. In occasions we went to restaurants, parties, etc but bcz of covid all this is not allowed. You can’t eat in restaurants, only takeout. My barbers are my brothers’s friends.
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