I scrapped my broken laptop for learning and experience and curiosity.
I learned about building desktops by pulling apart my old computers. It’s nice skills to have as most computers are pretty much plug and play so you can replace or upgrade things.
That’s pretty cool,
My ex gf and i had the same laptop years ago and we used them until they didn’t function, I stored them away bc i didn’t want to throw them away and lucky i did, i gave them to my Sis about 4 yrs ago and she fixed them up and is still using them both today, i think that’s pretty awesome
Wow, what screwdriver, never saw such tiny bits before, take care of them
Where is the cpu @mangojuice ?
Uh, never saw such a processor too, i think i’m outdated. lol
1,3 Ghz max, 1 Gb ram, half of that virtual ram disc, half of that temp data
This. Things like this are why I am convinced you’re going to kick SZ into the corner in the long run. You’ve got the right attitude. Tip of the hat to you, sir.
“Well there’s your problem!”
When I was younger I used to want to be an inventor. I’d dismantle things like air conditioners etc to see how they work…putting them back together was the hard part
Great artwork !
Power consumption ~ 3 watts, 4watts when busy
Awesome pictures! Thanks for doing this
Once i crashed my soundcard of that pc, a 12 V and ac converter grounding problem, luckily it was only a simple coil on the board, a drop of solder over it solved that.
20 minutes of slightly full blown panic attack lol
That laptop processor has way too much heat sink compound on it and is shortening itself with its run off of heat sink compound. The gray pasty stuff for you folks reading this. I could rebuild it and make it function 100% if you need help. I am an A+ Certified Pc Technician and consultant, but disabled and job less.
The red circles show what I"m mentioning.
Some of the micro resistors are covered by head sink compound, and so are some of the pin tops.
You are awesome. I would have liked to break things and fix it. Now, I am learning some art of computing which is superficial not deep dive into each and every part of computer.
looks like thermal compound was applied with a super soaker
It might also be me smudging it when I removed the heat sink.
20 pushups now!
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