Inflammation thread (foods that cause it and stop it)

There is a theory that inflammation may worsen symptoms like hallucinations and intrusive thoughts. It helps to know how to control this stressful situation.

Foods that cause inflammation:

  1. Table sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup

Sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose, while high-fructose corn syrup is about 45% glucose and 55% fructose.

One of the reasons that added sugars are harmful is that they can increase inflammation, which can lead to disease (4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

In one study, mice fed high-sucrose diets developed breast cancer that spread to their lungs — in part due to the inflammatory response to sugar (6).

In another study, the anti-inflammatory impact of omega-3 fatty acids was impaired in mice fed a high-sugar diet (7).

What’s more, in a randomized clinical trial in which people drank regular soda, diet soda, milk, or water, only those in the regular soda group had increased levels of uric acid, which drives inflammation and insulin resistance (8).

  1. Artificial trans-fats

Artificial trans fats have been shown to cause inflammation and increase disease risk (21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29).

  1. Vegetable and seed oils

During the 20th century, the consumption of vegetable oils increased by 130% in the US.

Some scientists believe that certain vegetable oils, such as soybean oil, promote inflammation due to their very high omega-6 fatty acid content (30).

Although some dietary omega-6 fats are necessary, the typical Western diet provides far more than people need.

In fact, health professionals recommend eating more omega-3-rich foods, such as fatty fish, to improve your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio and reap the anti-inflammatory benefits of omega-3s.

In one study, rats fed an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 20:1 had much higher levels of inflammatory markers than those fed a ratio of 1:1 or 5:1 (31).

  1. Refined carbohydrates

Eating refined carbs may drive inflammation (34, 35, 36, 37, 38).

Refined carbs have had most of their fiber removed. Fiber promotes fullness, improves blood sugar control, and feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

  1. Alcohol

In one study, the inflammatory marker CRP increased in people who consumed alcohol. The more alcohol they consumed, the more their CRP increased (39).

People who drink heavily may develop problems with bacterial toxins moving out of the colon and into the body. This condition — often called “leaky gut” — can drive widespread inflammation that leads to organ damage (40, 41).

  1. Processed Meat

Consuming processed meat is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, stomach cancer, and colon cancer (42, 43, 44).

  1. Wheat

Both in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate that gliadin and WGA can both increase intestinal permeability and activate the immune system, causing leaky gut and subsequent chronic inflammation (44)

  1. Dairy

May or may not cause inflammation, depending on whether a person is allergic to it. Worth testing. (45)

  1. Fats in general

There is compelling evidence that high-fat diets promote endotoxin release into the bloodstream and a subsequent inflammatory response. (46)

Things that help with inflammation

  1. Water

Hydrating really well helps to clear out the bowels, keep toxins moving through the liver and kidneys, and helps to eliminate them through sweat. Additionally, your cells require adequate hydration to carry out proper functions. In general, the more hydrated you are, the less inflammation will be present in your body.

  1. Hot baths

Studies show that a good hot bath can reduce inflammation markers. (47)

  1. Boswellia

This herb is a LOX-inhibitor, which is one of the most potent inflammation pathways. It can reduce inflammatory markers. (48)

  1. Maple syrup

There was a molecule with anti-inflammatory properties discovered in maple syrup, called “quebecol”. (49)

  1. 80/10/10 diet

That plant-heavy, low-fat, low-protein diet results in 32% less inflammation than the American Heart Association’s recommended diet. (50)

  1. Exercise

Just 20 minutes of exercise enough to reduce inflammation, study finds (51)

  1. Foods low on the inflammation index shows a list of 2400 foods and their IF ratings, try to focus on foods high in that index for anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. Turmeric

Various inflammation markers are reduced by taking this substance (52)

  1. Ginger

A study shows that it can reduce levels of CRP, an inflammatory marker (53)

  1. Cherries

“Evidence from published reports is reasonably strong to indicate that consumption of cherries decreased markers for oxidative stress, inflammation, exercise-induced muscle soreness and loss of strength, and blood pressure acutely after ingesting cherries.” (54)

  1. Omega-3 oils

The Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio you eat influences how inflamed you are (you want high 3 and low 6, ideally) (55)

Flax and chia seed oils are good for this. Blending 50 ml of that oil in 100 ml of cottage cheese or quark makes a really helpful, short-lived compound that makes Omega-3 water-soluble for a few hours, which is great for easy absorption. This is known as the “Budwig mixture”, and it is often used as a treatment for reducing / eliminating tutors.

What surprisingly doesn’t work:

  1. Fish intake

“In healthy older adults with low inflammatory burden, our results do not support that short-term consumption of mixed fish has a beneficial effect on selected cardiovascular biomarkers.”(56)


I couldn’t read all of this

SZ sort of runs in my family. I had a younger relative who became symptomatic. They put her on a no sugar diet. Symptoms went away. She is leading a normal life many years later.

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I love coconut oil… That’s OK right?

According to , coconut oil is slightly anti-inflammatory overall, but it still raises total cholesterol significantly so use with moderation.

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Interesting reads. Thanks guys

How the he’ll can food cause schizophrenia

There have been studies on using anti inflammatory meds on schizophrenics and none of them came back with anything. So I think the whole inflammatory thing is probably a dead end theory. But I don’t know much more about it.

Thank you for taking the time to post this.

I am on a gluten-free lactos free diet and plan on going vegan in a few months .
Sometimes I cheat and eat ICecream etc but not so often.

Sounds like Poor mice .
I love Deepak chopra books I have read but he also makes lots of statements about research in mice.
This may not go in line with me when I’m a vegan and join peta again.
I listened to a bit of one of his meditation yesterday but when he started talking about hallucinations I paused it and wondered is this good for me to listen to or can it make me triggered.
He was saying if others have the same hallucinations then it’s not a hallucination but if several people think they are Jesus they are still considered psychotic or if several people think the tv is talking to them or something…

Another member posted about gluten-free diet and gave us the name global healing where I hope to buy supplements from after I have become vegan.
He left for a while but he left for a while before and came back and now left again.

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thanks! 873465871346587

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by causing stress on the body and mind, Allergies, brain inflamation, unbalanced neurochemicals from food addictions/eating disorders etc… food has an effect on the mind and problems in diet are one 4th of the problem

  1. Meds
  2. Diet
  3. Exercise.
  4. External Support
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