Increased Internet Use and Poorer Ability to Manage Emotions at High Risk for Psychosis


Hahahahahaha wonder if I was part of the study :smiley_cat:

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I think this is his way of telling us to worry more about real life, and less about the forum.


It’s when your internet persona collides with your real life personality that trouble can arise, imo.

That’s why I use my real first name now on forums…keepin it legit.

Concerning the internet, there was a point where I needed to stop and I clearly passed it. Let’s keep going and see what happens


Well I got scared there for a second. Very scared. So I inhaled it all and went to battle and now I am well. Very well.

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what a croc of shhhhh

so is it the case of when the telly came out, they blame {square eyes} for this then

silly bstads should get out of a bloodi book from 1933 and get a new book based on whats going on

uuurrrrrrrrrr grips my shiiiiiiit

silly stupid idiots!!!