I just took the bike for a small ride, and immediately after I broke some sweat, I felt a little burn in my head that makes me incapable of doing more exercise or concentrating or even talking normally. I feel a burn in the head. My diagnosis is paranoid schizophrenia and I’m taking 5 - 10 mg of Trifluperazine daily.
Thanks ahead
I have all various styles of pain inside of my head. I can feel my brain - its cramping, its stinging, its dehydrating, its sickness, etc. The thing is a living vessel and deserves to be at its best, but regardless of what I try with diet, exercise, or rest, it is always restless & agonizing. I don’t know how to fix it, but it has gone down over the years.
The rustling started just slightly before I broke out with SZ. Medications exacerbated. Sorry, can’t help. All I can suggest is extra rest & lying down. Exercising may be a gamble if it causes too many internal symptoms, which is why I avoid gyms and only walk when my brain is having a good day.
I cant really help you buddy. But it could be a skin issue like a new shampoo interacting with the chemistry of your sweat.
I know that when i eat to much ketchup… My cheeks start sweating and i get this weird sensation.
These kinds of things arent necessarily due to the illness.
Perhaps the way it dominates your focus and makes it difficult to function can be attributed to the sz.
I dont know man… Just thinking aloud.
If you have a primary care physician or a doctors office you can call you could a get medical pros opinion. If the problem persists that is.