In the past (i had a job once)

I was out pickin apples in a field a long time ago with a bunch of people and the apples kept falling on my head and i got really upset bc of it, i also picked vegetables and some of them looked like penis’s and boobies and it was very funny but i wouldnt eat any of them

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Forbidden fruit, indeed.


it was not one of my 5 a day :joy:

two more penis related threads today.

Edit: err 3. I just saw more peen remarks


Whose peen reigns supreme?

That’s what we want to know.


Well, I can’t say I have mine suspended by a military helicopter, so I guess I have to defer to your supremacy :astonished:.


Ahem, it is an Apache helicopter. Big kahonas my friend. Big kahonas.

:coconut: :palm_tree: :tropical_drink:

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