In the center of Matrix again

I had dreams or whatnot of them telling me I got the norovirus as a kid. Maybe a vaccine that comes out in 2 years will help me. I think I will be cured in 2 years, 10 years of suffering is the cost or punishment of me being me or perhaps me being a computer simulator…I don’t know. I feel like I’m being punished a lot.

You think it’s Karma? Do we deserve it, in some way?

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Perhaps, or it is sin…I don’t know. It doesn’t matter anymore. I accept the fact that I don’t know or can’t know everything.

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Guys, voices say “world is a studio.
everything is a set, everyone is an actor”.

Does it make you paranoid or stress you out? I would ignore the voices, and say ‘so, what?’ and ‘prove it to me.’

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Yes, right, this “so what?” is also an advice i had in the past by family members. “so what?”.
But to me it’s like a threatening proposition, destroying my world, as I know it. People are fake to me. Feelings too.

You don’t get anxious because of these thoughts?

Am I just a toy in the hands of a capricious alien child?

Not anymore. I used to be panicky and freaking scared. I accepted the idea I might die one day and I’ll come back or hopefully be a simulator again.

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What makes you think you were a simulator?
So you didn’t live in simulation, but you were the creator of it?

Yes, I am panicky. It’s so real to me

Not creator, but assistant or helper. I was chosen by aliens. I escaped a few times. It was in the future. I have the memories.

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For what it’s worth I believe in God. I recently watched a video saying in the end of times (as an evangelical, I believe we are approaching it) humans will be perfected (in a way) and help in the creation process. Certain things like time travel, simulation theory, and aliens, I don’t think God wants us to know about. I believe this now.

I think the world is cyclical and that the ancient Greeks thought the cosmos was cyclical and everything repeats itself indefinitely. I’m a Christian, but I struggle. I think simulation theory is totally Biblical and consistent, based on a few articles I’ve read. It boggles my mind a lot!


@Om_Sadasiva Have you read David Icke’s books. It may soothe you.

I think that would make him paranoid. I avoid that type of stuff, normally, with few exceptions.

No, I haven’t. What do they talk about?

@insidemind is right these books are about matrix and could trigger your paranoia rather than soothe your mind.

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I believe that the programmers, give subtle hints to me, with all these crazy coincidences, which imply the unreality of the world. They want me to get free

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I would call my psychiatrist, but I am not sure if I can explain all these via the phone. What do you think, guys?

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Probably a good idea. My biggest struggle is learning to talk and not be afraid and fearful.

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