Imagine the world


Stole my idea pshhhh

You can post ’ make love not war’ one.
Peace :v: :blossom:


In Sweden we have recieved more refugees than we can handle. many have to sleep outdoors. It’s cold and I’m afraid some will freeze to death.

I feel so sad that there is war forcing people to flee from their homes.


I think they are the biggest victims of all this… They will be left on the margins of society, poor and stigmatized.

You’re in Sweden? I was at the Malme’s airport once :))


I like very much John Lennon’s Imagine. Beautiful melody and wonderful lyrics. yeah, I feel sad for those refugees either.

In american cities many of those sick sleep outdoors all the time. They refuse help because they are sick.

But being the land of the free and all, it’s very hard to force treatment.

Yes I’ve heard of that. Maybe they have cloths to protect them selves from the cold? How many die from freezing? We have minus 5-10 celsius here at night. And winter is coming. It will get much much colder.

I’ve given away 10 bags of mine and friend’s cloths and 10 pair of winter shoes to refugees. Some of them have cloths with them when they come. Most have left everything when they fled. They only own what they are wearing and they are not prepared for Swedish winter.

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