I'm tired of being stalked, is death my only way out?

This is somewhat related to my last post but I’m tired of being stalked. No one is ■■■■■■■ believing me and nothing is actually working. I’m calling all of these hotlines and they aren’t helping. I’m trying to gather proof of them stalking me but the closest proof I could find is some alt account on Instagram I heard was theirs with no history. I’m trying to actually move on but I can’t because I always keep ■■■■■■■ hearing them. My parents say it’s all in my head when I literally ■■■■■■■ see them opening their windows and blinds looking at me whenever I get dropped off or picked up. They keep reminding me that no one actually likes me and the former school I went to. And honestly, I’m just tired. They keep saying they have genital photos of me, they keep saying I was doxxed on some private account and I’m just so ■■■■■■■ tired of hearing them all day long. I can’t enjoy doing anything anymore. Is death really my only way out? That’s what everyone wants anyway…


That’s impossible. You are psychotic and need to see a psychiatrist asap. Once you’re on meds it will go away.


Do you hear voices? I have a very similar delusion and I have been to the point your at… I cant speak for everyone but with time and meds some of it gets easier

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I’m also apparently ruining someone else’s life due to my intrusive thoughts which keep popping up because of my stalking?? I keep thinking about them because they keep mentioning them and I just don’t know. Those aren’t my intentions and I genuinely just want help, if anyone will

About the meds, my dad won’t let me take any and I’m too nervous to talk to my mom about it

Dude … your stuck in a world of fiction. Trust me all the stuff you are talking about isn’t worth suffering over. Your not making other people suffer and you need to see the situation for what it is. The only way out is out of that frame of mind… I’m not the smartest person but I know this one from experience

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How old are you? You need to take meds. Do you have a psychiatrist?

You sure? Because I found an Instagram account that they claimed was their alt with no history

  1. No I do not have a psychiatrist

Maybe find the courage to talk to her. If your at the point you see death as a option you need meds / help man.
Like I said if you can get some perspective it gets easier. You can’t manage from the position your in …you need some help brother

I know at the momeny you probably won’t believe me… But no one is stalking you
I had the same experience during my first psychosis. I saw signs and ‘real’ proofs that some people are spying me
Though, it was very very far from reality. The one which are spied on are most of the time either very famous or rich.
You probably won’t believe me now, but you def NEED meds. You’ll be alright. Stay safe.

You need to go to the hospital asap or talk to someone (maybe your mom) that will let you go there.

Call them and tell them that you think you are in a psychotic episode, and ask what should you do.

I believe you can do this :muscle:t4:

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